
Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday's Journey

Sunday's journey means? jalan2 di hari ahad.. :)
ari ni, nina yg teman saye..
yeay!! ske2...lgpon assgmnt sume suda setel..
tggl 1 lagi n ia akan disetelkan esok..

OK..lets those pics describe my Sunday's journey~

dahla dah lambat,sempat ag nk bgaye..ceh!

my grand limo with driver..exclusively designed 4 my journey's transport :P
pay first ok b4 take a ride..

excited morning face *wink* journey g2..hehe
1) road walk 2) rumah p. ramlee

those fruit, i bought at road walk. the price are amazing!
time 2 go back~

b4 i end this entri..biar ade descriptions a little bit..that morning, i woke up late. nina had wait 4 me.OMG!!huhu.. embarrassing attitude.. :( then, went 2 sg 2 take a bus..n we have 2 wait 4 a long time b4 the bus came..keciwa!!when that bus came its not the right bus.never mind..go 2 komtar 1st..huu..there, we need 2 wait again..i told nina, if the bus was not here until 10.30am, we will go 2 somewhere else. thanks God.. it came..
*b4 2 kitorg da tny ramai "rapid captain" bus mane nk g rumah p.ramlee sbb ade membe kate 201-204 sume pg..mmg la p, tp kitorg xtau nk berenti mane..ceh!!rapid captain kate, 206 dik..ish!! (alah pakcik, yg 2 lambat la) tggu la..*sigh*
sampai sane, kaki ajak g road walk dulu sbb yg nh akn tutup tgh la..da la ramai org..sesak!!xshopping pon sbb xd yg menarik..cme beli epal je.. :) *murah seyh*
mase nak balik 2, aku sbgai tourist guide yg sgt hebat nh bawak la nina g kat bus stop 2..lari2 sbb tgk ad bus..(behave fatin) hee :)
mase sampai kat pintu rapid 2, o'oo, rapid captain kat komtar td..haha..mase nak bayar 2,
rapid captain : korg yg tny cmne nak g rumah p ramlee 2 kan?
kitorg : haah, da sampai pon uncle, nak balik da.. :)
maka, balik sblm 2 merayau lg kat komtar..dasar kaki ske merayap btol..
this is what i got from this journey..will go again another time!
kate nk jalan2 tapi bile balik baru perasan..dah shopping sakan..hee :)

6 orang Jual Pantun:

haNIz said... [Beli Pantun]

bes nyer die berjalan2..

FatinNad said... [Beli Pantun]

mmb best pon..hehe..rase nk jaln hari2
*ayat org xsedar diri exam nak dekat dah*

ashraf said... [Beli Pantun]

exciting morning face kau tak leh bla :P

FatinNad said... [Beli Pantun]

alah..okla 2..ak dok tepi matahari..kalo x,,mst lg xcited mke ak..hee :)

Unknown said... [Beli Pantun]

soping sakan nampak...

FatinNad said... [Beli Pantun]

cik adreynieelisya..
release tension sblm study wee start :)