
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

eyeARTyou 1st giveaway :)


a quick update. teheeee T____T 
in love with all of the GORGEOUS free stuff. the rules is so simple. 

Hoping that I am the lucky one :)

2 orang Jual Pantun:

Anif Abdullah| AA said... [Beli Pantun]

ececeh..masuk contest plak ya..
ko tak nak buat contest ke fatin?huhu.. :p

Celine Jo @ eyeARTyou said... [Beli Pantun]

Dear Nadzirah,

Thanks for being my follower and joining my GA. However, as stated in my GA rules, you have to attach the GA photo on your sidebar and have it linked back to my blog.

Please do so in order to qualify for the GA.

Just fyi, international blogs practise promotion of giveaways using sidebar because of its visibility on main page as compared to a post entry that stays on top only when it's the latest/current post.

Thank you. Have a nice day!